Thursday, June 7, 2007

A working mama's dilemma

Yesterday my son woke up and was still feverish and complaining of ear pain. And thus the dilemma -- should I go to work or stay home?

Here's the problem: It was my first day on a new gig, and I was filling in for a guy on vacation, so I couldn't exactly call him to say I wouldn't be in. And since I now work for myself, if I don't work, I don't get paid.

So what'd I do? I went to work, knowing I'd be home by 1 p.m. I trusted the kids would be in good hands with dad and grandma for a couple of hours.

That afternoon, I took the clan to the doctor's office. Turns out A. had an ear infection, so they prescribed antibiotics, and now he's in a much happier mood.

And we have to see the pediatrician AGAIN tomorrow, this time for L's 15-month checkup. Which is good, because she might have an ear infection, too.

Fortunately, tomorrow I'm scheduled for another half-day shift, so I'll get home just in time to load the kids in the car for the appointment.

I'm just relieved my schedule is flexible -- and that I can be there for the important things.

1 comment:

Unknown said...

I just started my blog, HomeWorkin Mama where I will share my experiences as a WFH Mom, first time mom, etc. I am also going to homeschool my daughter and share information I learn and use for that! Please check it out!