Friday, April 27, 2007

Working and loving it

I love that I enjoy my job so much I actually look forward to going to work every day. I'm now up to three clients (in addition to helping my husband with his business), which I think is a pretty good start.

Some of the perks of self-employment: I control my own hours and the kind of work I want to do. If I want to learn about something new, I don't have to ask for anyone's approval. If I want to take a day off to take my kids to the museum, I can. I also don't have to waste time in stupid meetings.

I've recently been gleaning advice from "The Anti 9-to-5 Guide" by Seattle-based author Michelle Goodman. She ditched her former cubicle job to go into business for herself, and her book tells how you can do it, too.

One of the things she said in a recent Q&A in The Seattle Times: "Besides offering women flexibility, self-employment gives us a way around wage gaps, glass ceilings and mommy traps in the workplace."

She also says today's work environment is less than worker-friendly. The U.S. has some of the least family-friendly workplace policies in the world, and twenty- and thirty-somethings face "layoffs, offshoring and the 24-7 digital leash."

It's enough to make anyone run screaming from the office.

Or carve out a new career, doing exactly what you want to do.

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